
5 Ways to make your brand stand out on social media

There are hundreds and thousands of brands on social media, more are still on their way. The competition is becoming so stiff and if you cannot take the bull by the horn and distinguish yourself from the other brands who do what you do, you’ll be lost in the noise and that is not what you would want for your brand.

Here’s what you can do


USP stands for “unique selling point”. Yes, many people are selling the same thing as you, but there will always be one thing or more that sets you apart from them. It could be your personality, expertise, knowledge about a particular thing, talent, or marketing abilities. It must be something. Here is what you can do if you don’t know what this is. Ask people who know you, family, and friends, ask them what makes you unique, and you might find what you’re looking for.



Everyone has a weak point, even the almighty Achilles had a weak point. There must be something you see other people in your field doing seamlessly that you find hard to do. It might be in marketing, or you’re camera shy, or you don’t understand how social media works. You can easily spot this when you think about how to get better in your business, that “what if’ thought that pops up in your head and discourages you or makes you sober. Yes, that is it. Now, do not be discouraged. If you’re now aware of what that weak point is, you actively work on it, or use your USP and other talents of yours to drown it and make it unnoticeable. But your best bet will be to work on it.



We all want to be self-sufficient in our businesses, but sometimes, we just have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and re-assess our processes. Maybe you have paid for several social media courses, you’ve even had a private coach, and you have watched a lot of tutorial videos, yet this social media thing is not just ‘thanging’.

It is time to take a step back

Take a step back, and hire a professional. You might be talented in several other things, focus your energy on your strengths and delegate the rest to people who can handle it for you. Watch how you will stand out from your competition. A professional who understands the ropes of social media can easily do what you’ve been struggling to do for your business.



Always be on the lookout for trends. Not just any trend, but trends that align with your brand’s goals and values. A vendor selling lingerie can jump on the ‘red filter’ challenge because it’s a sultry kinda challenge, and it suits a lingerie business. But what is a vendor selling electrical parts doing on the red filter challenge? Except you’re very creative to add your own twist and bring in your brand, then just stick to trends that suit your brand. Also, follow pages your target customer follows and learn what is trending in their community, then strategically place your brand in it. You can do this by collaborating with the owner of the page or by constantly engaging with its followers through meaningful conversations via comments.



Set a plan. Have daily actionable plans for your social media page. Don’t just post anything, do your research and find out the best possible way to market your products to your audience. Find out what they like, and what they’re raving about. Cleverly insert these things into your business creatively to attract their attention. Always have your business in mind whenever you’re on social media and be on the lookout for information or news that you can benefit from.


There are several more things you can do to make your brand stand out. If you want to know more, stick to this blog for a continuation of this topic. In the meantime, digest the ones I’ve stated above. The most important of all is to practice and implement them.


Don’t just be a reader, practice them !!!



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